Born in Moscow. Graduated from the Ippolitov-Ivanov Musical Institute in the class of P.Tarasov.
Began her career in opera in 1996 as soloist at the New Opera Teatre in Moscow.
1997 - prize in the Panrussian Bella Voce Competition.
1999 - prize in the Elena Obraztsova International Competition for young opera singers (St.Petersburg),
and the Queen Elizabeth International Competition (2000, Belgium). After this competition, she sang with the orchestra
of the Beethoven Academy in Antwerp, Belgium, with which she recorded Shostakovich's 14th Symphony (2001).
Since 2002 she has been the soloist at the K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I.Nemirovich-Dantchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre
in Moscow.
In 2003, she made her debut on the stage of the Bolshoi Teatre in the role of Ann in Stravinsky's opera
The Rake's Progress.
In 2004, after her successful interpretation in the role of Maria in P.I.Tchaikovsky's opera Mazepa, she signed a contract
with the Theatre as a soloist.
In December 2004 she mon the Grand Prix of the International Romanciada Competition.
In the years 2004-2005, under the direction of Theodore Currentzis - conductor and artistic director at the Novosibirsk
Opera and Ballet Theatre - she took part in concert performances:
- in the title role of Verdi's Aida at the Opera and Ballet Theatre in Novosibirsk;
- in Stravinsky's Wedding (2004), interpreting the lead soprano, at the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory
by P.I.Tchaikovsky;
- in the role of Prilepa in P.I.Tchaikovsky's Queen of Spades (2005);
- in the role of Belinda at the concert performance of Henry Purcell's opera Dido and Aeneas, alongside the British
soprano Emma Kirby.
In 2005 she won the Grand Prix at the Maria Callas International Competition in Athens.
In September 2005 she will begin the VYAP Programme as solist for the roles of Tatiana in the opera Eugene Onegin,
of Rosina in the Barber of Seville, and of Roxane in Cyrano de bergerac at the Covent Garden Royal Opera Theatre.
The singer's repertoire includes of 300 chamber-musc pieces of various styles and periods, many of which she has performed
successfully in concerts and recordings with famous musical ensembles of Russia.
In 2003, she performed D.Mitropoulos's "10 Inventions on the poetry by C.P.Cavafy" for the first time in Russia, and also
recorded it on CD. She has also performed a Greek-language repertoire, including Ravel's "Five Greek Folk Melodies".
In 2004, Marina Poplavskaya performed and also recorded on compact-disc V.I.Volkov's five songs on the poetry by Robert Burns,
translated to russian by S.Marshak, and the cicle on the poetry by Anna Ahmatova.