Dmitry Ovchinnikov (bass) was born on 6 April 1973 in Moscow. In 2001 graduated from The Moscow Unversity of Culture and Art, the Solo singing faculty. Since 2001 is the soloist of the Moscow Music Theatre ⌠Helikon √ Opera■. In 2003 became the finalist of the singing contest ⌠Belveder■, Vienna. In 2004 debuted on the stage of Kammer Opera Theatre, Vienna, in the role of Gasparo, the opera ⌠Rita■ by Donizetti. In 2005 took part in the opera ⌠Nos■ by Shostocovich in the Theatre San Carlos, Portugal. In 2006 performed the part of Narratore in the opera ⌠Il due timidi■ by Nino Rota in Kammer Opera Theante, Vienna. Took master-classes with teachers: Gjandomeniko Bisi and Gloria Borrelli (Italy), Dmitry Vdovin (Russia), Veren Keller (Switzerland), Alfredo Matiotti (Italy). Worked with directors Teodor Kurensis, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Donato Renzetti. With Helikon Opera Theatre visited with tours England, France, Spain, Italy, Israel, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Estonia. In 2007 at the festival Durance Luberon, France, performed the part of Baron di Trombonok in the opera ⌠Il Viaggio a Reims■ by Rossini; and in 2008 the part of Don Pasquale in the opera ⌠Don Pasquale■ by Donizetti. In 2008 debuted at ⌠Novaya Opera■ (Russia, Moscow) in the performance ⌠Il Barbiere de Siviglia■ by Rossini, that was directed by Elijah Moshinsky. Tours: ╥ Spain, Salamanca, El Teatro Liceo. Italy, Ravenna, Teatro Alighiery . Englamd, London, Peacoc Theatre . France, Dejon, theatre ⌠Auditorium■ . Israel, Opera House Tel-Aviv . Austria, Vienna, ⌠Kammer Opera■ . Portugal, Lisbon, Theatre ⌠San Carlos▓▓ |
1. G. Donizetti ⌠Don Pasquale■ Don Pasquale 20. G.Rossini ⌠Il viaggio a Reims■ Baron di Trombonok Don Profondo